MSOB GC Division 3 Singles
Event information
Registrations for this event are not currently available.
Conditions of entry - All entrants must be from ACA afilliated Clubs
Timed Games - 50 minutes.
Entry fee is $35.00 which includes morning and afternoon tea - BYO Lunch
Division 3 - Handicaps 9 to 12 only, will be played on Sunday 6th July 2025
Each Division is limited to 12 entries.
Cash Prizes and badges and a perpetual trophy for the winners and runners up.
- Events will run according to the Rules and Regulations as published by Croquet Queensland Assoc. Inc. and in keeping with ACA Rules and Regulations.
- Participants must have a current registration number with ACA.
- All games will be LEVEL PLAY.
- Games will be double banked.
- Referees will be Supervising Referees.
- Games will be the best of 13 hoops.
- Hoops will be set to 3 11/16” +/- 1/32”
- Dawson Championship balls will be used.
- Games will be 50 minutes timed. If tied, play next hoop to determine winner.
- Dress: We encourage wearing club colours.
- Starting time 7.30 am for 8.00 am start of play. Player briefing 7.45 am.
- The Tournament Manager has the final decision concerning all matters affecting the running of the events.
- Up to date Handicap Cards must be presented to the Manager on arrival for each event.
- Each player is responsible to make sure scores are recorded correctly and Handicap Cards sighted by both players.
- Results will be posted on
- Photography will occur during play on both days.
- Award Presentation photography will be used for promotional purposes – Sponsors/newspaper/magazines etc.
- The names of all winners will be recorded on Perpetual Shields held at Southport Croquet Club.
Should you require further information please contact Donna Phillips on 0409 062 662