Saturday sees the start of a big 2 weeks of Golf croquet with the holding of 2 major tournaments. Firstly the National Mens and Womens Singles titles, which is then followed by the Australian Interstate Shield, a golf version of State of Origin.
Both tournaments are being played around a number of venues on the Sunshine Coast.
Southport is to be represented by Gabby in the National Womens competition and takes position as the top seed in one of the 4 blocks. After that, she then follows up as part of the Quennsland State team, her second year in a row as a "Queenslander". Last years' Qld captain and Southport member Mary has had to unfortunately withdraw from both events at the last moment.
Members wishing to follow Gabby's efforts can do so on Croquetscores.
All the best.
Charlie Ernst, Golf Captain.